

March 25, 2021 2023-03-24 18:09

You cannot afford to miss out on the great experiences that Machakos County has to offer

Relaxation, picnic, recreation

Machakos People's Park

Whatever your mood today.. you need yourself some Machakos sun-downer nature feel. Visit Machakos and experience this spectacle

20 min drive from our resort

Iveti Hills and Forest

you will sure still gape at the beautiful Iveti hills, just a mere 9 km from Orlando International Resort. You will surely remember this experience so set some side apart for it. even if you are in Machakos town for a conference. Check it out and come back later with your family and/or friends

Sight seeing, hiking, game drive

Mua Hills

Located merely 23 minutes from our resort is the scenic Mua hills which boasts of its noteworthy splendour. If you are not sight-seeing in this green picturesque area, you might as well rock your boots and do a hike or better still, check out the wildlife.

Check Availabity

Book your holiday here for surprising and satisfactory benefits.

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children
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