Visit the Mua Hills

Located merely 23 minutes from our resort is the scenic Mua hills which boasts of its noteworthy splendour. If you are not sight-seeing in this green picturesque area, you might as well rock your boots and do a hike or better still, check out the wildlife. Spend the evening reminiscence your day at our bar and rest before setting down at one of our luxurious plush suites

Have a cool rest at Machakos People’s Park

Yes! Machakos is one of the few counties in Kenya that dazzles with its state of the art Park where the tired, happy, sad, overwhelmed, exited go for a calm afternoon or evening. You are right! Whatever your mood today.. you need yourself some Machakos sun-downer nature feel. Visit Machakos and experience this spectacle

Sundowner at Iveti hills

If you are not caught at Mua hills, then you will sure still gape at the beautiful Iveti hills, just a mere 9 km from Orlando International Resort. You will surely remember this experience so set some side apart for it, even if you are in Machakos town for a conference. Check it out and come back later with your family and/or friends

Tip: No matter how long you’ve known someone, whether it be your spouse, your siblings, your children, or even your friends, there is always room for improvement in your relationships with the people you love. Traveling and exploring together can add some excitement and zeal to your relationships. Because when you experience something new with your loved ones, it can help you bond with them at a much deeper level than ever before—which could be the most convincing benefit of all. Try Machakos…